Sunday, June 10, 2012


My advice to all renters - get renter's insurance.

Last Friday I arrived home to utter devastation.  The apartment adjoning mine had caught fire and the flames spread through the attic.

None of my belongings burned, but there is no longer a roof and now the ceilings are falling in and taking out other things as they fall. the rush of water and soot flooding down the stairs from the fire hoses buried and broke many items. 

Lots of what I have might be okay, but the fire dept covered much of the furniture downstairs with a tarp. At present I have no place to put things, so I am learning a minimalist existence.

I realized this morning how much my belongins define me. Having almost nothing left me feeling very naked and vulnerable. I know I am more than what I own, but this morning that truth was not evident.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


I decided to try - it was simple and fast and free. I e-filed and had my return in my bank account in 2 weeks time. Just to be safe I have a bank account I use just for on-line transactions. I asked the bank to remove any overdraft protection and I keep only a small amount of money in it. Before I purchase something on-line I transfer money from my regular checking into my on-line account There is rarely more than $100 in it at any one time.

I hurt my hip last December. I limped around so much I ended up with shin splints. Anyone got a cure? Arnica helps with the pain during the day, and I use Sombra at night, but I'd like it to heal completely.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Shin Splints
Oh my, I hurt my hip in December and all the limping around caused shin splints. The hip is slowly getting better, but the major pain now is from the shin splints. I get relief using both Armica and Sombra. I tried Tiger Balm - it did nothing, and Topricin works, but not for long. Motrin also provides a little relief and Vicodin and generic Zanaflex help me sleep at night.

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Several years ago a friend and co-worker betrayed me. She blamed me for a mistake she had made. I wonder how that betrayal has impacted her over the years? I know that my life is pretty much what I would want it to be, so other than changing our friendship, her lie had no impact on me. I'm sure she was afraid she would lose her job if she admitted her guilt. I wonder where her life would have gone if she had been honest? And I wonder if she is anywhere near as happy as I am.
Obama the Muslim & Other Stuff MONDAY, 30 JUNE 2008

So many people who vote are scared to death that Obama is a radical terrorist mole because his father was a Muslim and he went to a Muslim school. I even heard one person say, "Once a Muslim always a Muslim."There are a couple of problems with this theory. First of all if I was inserting a mole in a foreign culturelike the USA, I'd make sure he blended in. He would look like a northern European, he would use a name like Jeff Brown, and he would attend a nice middle class church like the Methodist or Presbyterian.As to once a Muslim always a Muslim - you can say the same about Catholics, Jews, Mormons, Jehova's Witnesses, and many other faiths. Jesus was a Jew, does that mean he could never be a Christian???
I want to know why we are not fighting terrorists? All our money is being spent on Iraq - but the terrorists were in Afghanistan. There were no terrorists in Iraq until we went there and screwed everything up.

When I was little my mother had a saying I never quite understood. "Who should come around the corner but Ollie, all dressed up and bursting at the sides. Mad, I was so mad I could have killed Ollie, but mother said, 'No, you must not kill Ollie, for Ollie is the best friend the family's ever had.'" If anyone knows where this came from I would love to find out.--------------------------------------------

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Intro: I always have ideas and opinions that I share way too freely - so I decided, why just amuse my friends when I can amuse and confound the whole world. I originally started a blog on Saturday, February 18, 2006 and this is the first addition since then. I'm not the world's greatest blogger.

Hint 1: You know those little plastic tabs they use to close bread? they are great to use on rolls of tape. In the past I always turned down a corner of the tape to keep the end from sticking to the roll. Instead, just stick the flat part of the tab to the end of the tape. No more trying to find and pry loose the end of the tape, and the tab is easy to remove and re-use.

Driving 1: Originally posted Saturday, February 18, 2006 I have been driving as part of my job since 1984. I am constantly amazed by how bad some drivers are. Yesterday I was traveling on a 2 lane highway, in the right lane were several trucks, and in the left a man driving 65 mph in a 70 mph zone. Now I don't know about your state, but in ours you are supposed to drive on the right unless you are passing. This man was obviously unaware of the law - even though he passed a couple of signs reminding him. Since I was only 50 miles in to a 100 mile trip, I was frustrated and by the time I was able to pass him - on the right - I was wishing him all sorts of plagues and bodily harm. --------------------------------------

Much Ado About Nothing

My job entails driving all sorts of cars; Jaguars, Volvos, Cadillacs, Humvees, Hyundais, Fords, Chevys, Buicks, Pontiacs, Toyotas, Dodges, Nissans, BMWs, Mercedes, etc. So far my favorites are Volvos and Jags and any big truck. My least favorites are cargo vans. I drive them up and down I-5 and I-405 in Western Washington from Puyallup to Bellingham.